China has done so much more for global prosperity than West since 1980: assistant professor at University of Cambridge

时间:2024-11-19 16:36:59  来源:中新网


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China has done so much more for global prosperity than West since 1980: assistant professor at University of Cambridge

China has done so much more for global prosperity than West since 1980

Jostein Hauge posted on X on Saturday to denounce accusations of him being a mouthpiece for China. (Screenshot photo)

(ECNS) -- China has done so much more for global prosperity than the West since 1980, said Jostein Hauge, an assistant professor at University of Cambridge, in a post released on X on Saturday to denounce accusations of him being a mouthpiece for China.

Hauge said in the post that he was shocked at how blatantly anti-China views were accepted in the West.

China has provided everyone with affordable consumer goods, been leading poverty reduction efforts, and now is the world's largest investor and producer of clean energy, Hauge wrote.

He posted again on Monday to refute the vicious attacks against him. “In the West, if you're not anti-China, you hold a fringe opinion,” Hauge said.

“The point is that it's bizarre to hold up the West as a beacon of light and China as a veil of gloom, especially when comparing their recent track records on issues related to poverty reduction and the green transition,” Hauge added.


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