China to see 1.85m cross-border trips every day during holiday

时间:2025-01-24 17:50:57  来源


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China to see 1.85m cross-border trips every day during holiday


Inbound passengers queue through customs clearance at the Harbin Taiping International Airport in Heilongjiang province. [Photo provided to]

China will see an average of 1.85 million cross-border trips made every day during the upcoming Spring Festival holiday, a 9.5 percent year-on-year increase, the National Immigration Administration estimated.

Large international airports in China are expected to see a peak in the number of passengers exiting from Chinese New Year's Eve on Tuesday to Thursday, the administration said.

They will see an influx of passengers on Feb 3 and Feb 4, the last two days of the Spring Festival holiday.

The administration has asked ports across the country to strengthen monitoring of cross-border travel flows and issue related information promptly to help people arrange their trips properly.

It has also asked them to deploy more workers and open a sufficient number of passages to ensure that travelers spend no more than 30 minutes in line.


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