US President said in a press conference that he planned to have nuclear
arms control talks with China and Russia and to propose cutting the
three countries’ defense budgets byhalf. May I have your comment on
Wu Qian:It’s
incumbent upon the US, a country in possession of the world’s largest
nuclear arsenal, to fulfill its special and primary responsibilities for
nuclear disarmament and further make drastic and substantive cuts to
its nuclear arsenal. This isa consensusofthe international community.
I want to point out that China commits itself to a policy of no first
use of nuclear weapons, pursues a nuclear strategy of self-defense, and
keeps our nuclear strength at the minimum level required for national
security. By so doing, we have contributed to world peace and security.
defense budget, the US defensespending has topped the world for many
years in a row. It ishigher than that of the following eight countries
combined. Its high defense budget is concerning to the international
community. I believe that the US should put into practice “America
First” in this regard,and be the first to cut its nuclear arsenal and
military expenditure.