
时间:2025-02-27 15:25:40  来源:央视网


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Question:It’s reported that US President Donald Trump conducted an “unprecedented purge” of top military brass, dismissing multiple senior officers, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Is the Chinese side worried that the Pentagon shakeup might negatively impact China-US defense relations? Have the two militaries talked to each other since the new US administration? What’s your expectation for China-US defense relations in the next phase?


Wu Qian:China never interferes in the internal affairs of other countries. On China-US military relations, the two sides maintain effective communication through military diplomatic channel. There have been some preliminary plans and arrangements for exchanges in the foreseeable future. We will release information on due course.


Taking lessons from history can help us build a better future. We hope the US side will work with us toward a common objective, be guided by the consensus between our heads of state, strengthen communication and dialogue, properly handle disagreements and differences, and conduct substantive cooperation based on the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. In this way, it is hoped that the China-US military-to-military relations get off to a good start and continue to grow further.


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