Interview: Global toy giant hails China's efforts to facilitate orderly cross-border data flow

时间:2025-03-21 20:17:32  来源:Xinhua


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Interview: Global toy giant hails China's efforts to facilitate orderly cross-border data flow

30 BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) -- China's policy to regulate cross-border data flows seeks to facilitate progress while ensu...

BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) -- China's policy to regulate cross-border data flows seeks to facilitate progress while ensuring data security, a move conducive to economic globalization, according to global toy giant the LEGO Group.

Clothilde Yang, head of government & public affairs at LEGO China, made the remarks after attending a panel about China's policies on cross-border data transfer for European Union (EU) enterprises in the country organized by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) in late February.

"Regulating cross-border data transfer is an innovative endeavor that the Chinese government is exploring prudently, aiming to promote and regulate data flow rather than impose restrictions," Yang said.

With the development of the digital economy, the cross-border flows of data have become the foundation for the exchange and sharing of global resources, including capital, information, technology, talent and goods.

To promote the lawful and orderly data flow, utilize the value of data, and expand high-standard opening up, China introduced a regulation on promoting and standardizing cross-border flows of data last March, which clarifies declaration standards for the assessment of cross-border data security and scenarios that are exempt from relevant security appraisals.

The policy provides clear operational guidelines, helping foreign enterprises achieve high-quality and efficient cross-border data transfer in compliance with related laws and regulators, Yang noted.

Yang also hailed the organization of policy briefing events and seminars such as the one held by the CAC in February and a series of similar activities in Shanghai, where LEGO China's headquarters is located.

"Through such interactive platforms, companies can share the problems and solutions they encounter in practice, collaboratively exploring best practices for adapting to new regulations," Yang said. "The open and transparent approach, along with a prompt response to enterprises' needs, reflects the government's proactive efforts to create an efficient business environment."

Yang also commended the Chinese government's efforts to explore the establishment of mutual recognition for cross-border data flow between China and the EU, which the company looks forward to, expecting it will further facilitate cross-border data transfer.

China is an important strategic growth market for the LEGO Group. The group has opened over 400 stores in over 120 cities across the country to date.

In 2025, China will improve basic data systems at a faster pace, extensively develop and utilize data resources, and ensure that cross-border data flows are promoted and kept under regulation, according to the government work report.

"The LEGO Group looks forward to the implementation of more facilitating policies in the future to promote the safe and orderly cross-border flow of data in the context of globalization, which will contribute to the development of the global digital economy," Yang said.


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