China's stable economic growth benefits world: Kenyan ambassador

时间:2025-03-09 21:39:58  来源:Xinhuanet


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China's stable economic growth benefits world: Kenyan ambassador

By Su XinBEIJING, March 9 (Xinhuanet) -- China’s stable economic growth contributes to global economic growth, said Kenyan Am...

By Su Xin

BEIJING, March 9 (Xinhuanet) -- China’s stable economic growth contributes to global economic growth, said Kenyan Ambassador to China Willy Bett in an exclusive interview with Xinhuanet.

China's GDP grew by 5 percent year-on-year in 2024, meeting the annual target and contributing about 30 percent to global economic growth.

Bett believes that the stable development of China's economy is significant to the Global South countries, especially African nations.

He explained how initiatives proposed by China, such as the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative, have benefited the world.

The ambassador said he has observed the “two sessions” for two consecutive years. He emphasized that by observing the “two sessions,” Kenya can gain deeper insights into China's development direction and find new cooperation opportunities between the two countries.

He noted that the relationship between Kenya and China has deep historical roots and has strengthened over time.

The two nations have achieved remarkable results in cooperation in many fields such as economic development, people-to-people exchanges, infrastructure construction, and information and communication technology (ICT).

He added that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has boosted infrastructure construction in African countries, especially Kenya. The initiative has not only facilitated the transportation of goods and economic growth in Kenya but also provided broad cooperation opportunities for both sides in infrastructure construction.

“Most of the infrastructure now in Kenya is a result of this partnership which we have built with China,” said the ambassador.

Speaking of new quality productive forces, Bett said the concept, as an innovative driving force for economic growth, incorporates elements, such as science and ICT, promoting technological innovation and modernizing production methods in the manufacturing industry.

Bett stressed that digitalization, modernization, and innovation are essential for promoting economic development in the new era. China's technological innovations in AI, electric vehicles, and low-altitude economy have contributed to the global industrial transformation.

Bett praised China’s achievements in promoting high-standard opening-up. He said the country has provided more opportunities for foreign investors through a slew of policies that include shortening the negative list for foreign investment access.

He said that the continuous improvement of China's business environment not only promotes its own economic development but also delivers more opportunities for countries around the world.


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