China's Olympic champions carry torch for Asian Winter Games

时间:2025-02-04 16:52:01  来源:Xinhua


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China's Olympic champions carry torch for Asian Winter Games

China's Olympic champions carry torch for Asian Winter GamesXinhuaPublished

Torch bearer, Liu Jiayu poses during the 2025 Asian Winter Games Torch Relay in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, on Feb. 3, 2025. (Xinhua/Chen Yichen)

by sportswriters Yao Youming and Yang Siqi

HARBIN, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- China's Olympic champions, including Sheng Lihao, Wu Dajing, and Sui Wenjing, participated in the torch relay for the 9th Asian Winter Games in Harbin on Monday. They praised the event's preparations and extended their best wishes to the athletes.

Wu Dajing, a short-track speed skater and two-time Winter Olympic gold medalist at PyeongChang 2018 and Beijing 2022, expressed his excitement about seeing young talent shine.

"It's my honor to participate in the torch relay," Wu said. "As a veteran, I admire the younger generation of skaters and want to wish them good luck in the competition," the 30-year-old added.

Sheng Lihao, who won two gold medals at Paris 2024, shared advice on handling nerves with the young athletes set to compete.

"I always manage tough situations by focusing on myself. I hope all Chinese athletes can showcase their best at the Asian Winter Games," Sheng told Xinhua.

When Olympic champion swimmer Wang Shun took the torch, the last torchbearer of the Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony ignited a wave of excitement among the Harbin crowd.

"I am very excited. Although the weather is cold, I can feel the passion and enthusiasm of Harbin's citizens. The torch relay has passed on the spirit of sportsmanship to everyone," Wang said.

Sui Wenjing, the Olympic figure skating champion, concluded the relay as the final torchbearer among 120 participants.

In addition to taking part in the closing ceremony for the relay, Sui has played a key role in preparing for the Games in her hometown, serving as a director for the opening ceremony on Friday.

"When I competed on the ice, I only needed to focus on my own movements and performance. As a director, I have to constantly communicate with my performers through earphones while they are on stage," Sui said.

"I will do my best to help them deliver their best performance at the opening ceremony, and I wish the event great success," the 29-year-old added.


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