My first Chinese New Year: British host experiences the Spring Festival essentials

时间:2025-01-25 17:37:31  来源:人民网


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My first Chinese New Year: British host experiences the Spring Festival essentials

A British girl, Lorna Mary, is celebrating her first Spring Festival in China. Through her Chinese friends, Mary has learned ...


A British girl, Lorna Mary, is celebrating her first Spring Festival in China. Through her Chinese friends, Mary has learned that the Spring Festival is one of the most significant holidays for the Chinese people, and of all the Chinese holidays, it's the best at presenting Chinese culture.

"Yi Shi Zhu Xing," meaning food, clothing, housing and transportation, was the very first idiom she picked up when she arrived in China, and it certainly exemplifies the customs surrounding the Spring Festival.

Chinese traditional apparel has emerged as the top choice for young people looking to "wear new clothes" during the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, Chinese desserts that feature traditional Chinese aesthetics are in high demand. Mary tried the Spring Festival custom of cleaning and putting up couplets throughout her house. She even experienced Chunyun, or Spring Festival travel rush, the annual migration of the Chinese people returning home to celebrate the Spring Festival.

Join Mary as she prepares for and experiences her very first Chinese Spring Festival!


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