Chinese FM's visit to Africa illustrates strong China-Africa bond: Zimbabwean expert

时间:2025-01-09 17:21:16  来源:Xinhua


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Chinese FM's visit to Africa illustrates strong China-Africa bond: Zimbabwean expert

HARARE, Jan. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's current visit to Africa is a demonstration of the strong and deep-rooted bond between China and Africa, a Zimbabwean expert said Wednesday.

Munetsi Madakufamba, executive director of the Southern African Research and Documentation Center, a regional research group based in the Zimbabwean capital of Harare, told Xinhua that for 35 consecutive years, China's foreign ministers have chosen Africa as their first overseas destination each year, which showcases China's policy consistency and acknowledgment of Africa as an important partner.

"As Africa's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years, China has steadily increased trade volume with the continent, reaching a record 282.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2023," said Madakufamba.

He said China has recently implemented a zero-tariff policy for 33 least-developed African countries on 100 percent of their product categories, promoting trade with Africa and boosting opportunities for African businesses.

Madakufamba said the Chinese foreign minister's current visit to Namibia, the Republic of the Congo, Chad, and Nigeria demonstrates China's commitment to deepening traditional friendship with African countries. He emphasized that China's interests in Africa are mutually beneficial, with both sides gaining from the partnership.

The expert expressed optimism about the China-Africa cooperation in the coming year. "China will remain a key player in the continent's economic development," Madakufamba said.


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