Insights | UN expert: U.S. needs to accelerate high-speed rail progress to match China

时间:2024-12-31 20:21:29  来源


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Insights | UN expert: U.S. needs to accelerate high-speed rail progress to match China

(ECNS) -- Recently, American Robin Rowe, chairman of the UN ITU Medical Metaverse Task Group and executive director of Founta...

(ECNS) -- Recently, American Robin Rowe, chairman of the UN ITU Medical Metaverse Task Group and executive director of Fountain Abode in the U.S., praised China's advancements in high-speed rail during an exclusive interview with China News Network.

He said that the U.S. now lacks true high-speed rail by global standards, lagging behind China, where major cities are interconnected by high-speed railway networks.

Rowe highlighted that despite challenging circumstances, the U.S. and China have opportunities to exchange knowledge, share information, and leverage their unique strengths to achieve better outcomes. (Gong Weiwei)


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