Comicomment: Manila risks itself as a U.S. pawn in the South China Sea

时间:2024-12-08 17:02:34  来源:ECNS App


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Comicomment: Manila risks itself as a U.S. pawn in the South China Sea

The Philippines deployed coast guard vessels, official ships and fishing boats to intrude into Chinese territorial waters around Huangyan Dao on Dec. 4. Under the pretext of protecting fishing activities, the Philippine has actually engaged in infringement and provocation.

As a non-regional country and a non-party to the South China Sea issue, the United States has displayed elements of Cold War thinking through a series of disruptive actions in the region. The United States should not stir up trouble in the South China Sea, or undermine regional countries' efforts to safeguard peace and stability there.

The South China Sea is the shared home for the countries in the region, not a "playground" for major powers to sow discord. The Philippines must not become a pawn in a dangerous U.S. game to undermine regional security. Aligning with the U.S. risks placing the Philippines in danger, with the game's outcome unlikely to favor its manipulator.


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