Bridging continents: Prof. Yoro Diallo highlights China-Africa cooperation and development

时间:2024-10-11 17:48:56  来源


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Bridging continents: Prof. Yoro Diallo highlights China-Africa cooperation and development

In a recent interview, Prof. Yoro Diallo, executive director of the Center for Francophone Studies and director of the African Museum at Zhejiang Normal University, shared insights on the transformative impact of China’s cooperation with Africa and the significance of the Chinese Government Friendship Award he received.

Prof. Diallo expressed that receiving the award is an honor not only for him but also for his family, his country, and the continent of Africa as a whole. He emphasized his commitment to documenting China's modernization and its contributions to Africa and the world, stating, "This recognition encourages me to continue writing about the realities of China's influence on our development."

With a background of being a former Malian diplomat from 2013 to 2017, Prof. Diallo currently focuses on China-Africa cooperation, governance and development, alongside his role as director of an African museum. He highlighted that over the years, China has helped to build over 100,000 kilometers of roads, more than 10,000 kilometers of railways, many bridges and ports in Africa, which he noted are crucial for the continent's development.

Prof. Diallo believes that the policy of Chinese modernization, led by Chinese President Xi Jinping, is paving the way for Africa’s growth. "Chinese-style modernization offers valuable lessons for African countries to draw from their own histories and cultures, enhancing the well-being of their people," he remarked.

The professor underscored the importance of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, established in 2000, as a vital platform for fostering collaboration and building a shared future. He praised the recent summit held in Beijing, where President Xi announced ten partnership actions for China and Africa, which he believes will significantly advance Africa's development.

In conclusion, Prof. Diallo sees a strong connection between Chinese modernization and Africa’s progress. "These initiatives will help Africa achieve more development and growth," he stated, reinforcing the potential for collaborative advancement between China and the African continent.


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