British scholar acclaims Chinese cultural diversity in celebration of its 75th anniversary | My Memory of China

时间:2024-10-06 17:00:30  来源:ECNS


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British scholar acclaims Chinese cultural diversity in celebration of its 75th anniversary | My Memory of China



By Lin Zhuowei, Xue Lingqiao

(ECNS)— Robert Walker, professor emeritus of Green Templeton College at the University of Oxford, recently shared his observations of China in an exclusive interview with China News Network as the country marks the 75th anniversary of its establishment.

Robert Walker, a distinguished professor at Beijing Normal University and emeritus professor at the University of Oxford, shared his insights on China's multifaceted culture.

Walker, who first visited China 18 years ago, recalled the surprise of experiencing heavy rain and high temperatures in August.

He noted that unlike British rain, which is cold, the rain in China was warm.

His extensive research in China has deepened his appreciation for the nation's vibrant culture, which he believes cannot be captured by simple labels.

"We talk about Chinese civilization and culture, but China is incredibly diverse," he explained.

Walker highlighted Chinese cuisine as a prime example of this cultural richness.

The diverse array of dishes and regional specialties underscores the profound cultural significance embedded in Chinese dining.

During the recent Beijing Culture Forum, Walker attended a cultural performance at the National Centre for the Performing Arts, where he was captivated by a dance performance that seamlessly integrated elements of martial arts and Western ballet, showcasing the inclusiveness and diversity of Chinese culture.

At 75 years old, Walker expressed his desire to celebrate the 75th anniversary with China.

He emphasized his hope for the nation to overcome its challenges and reach key milestones as scheduled, including in 2030 and 2050, moving toward a fully prosperous society.


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