Through foreigners' eyes: 'Embracing Zhanjiang' event officially launched

时间:2024-09-23 20:18:48  来源


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Through foreigners' eyes: 'Embracing Zhanjiang' event officially launched

The event "Embracing Zhanjiang: China Storyteller Partnerships Tour" kicked off on Sept 22 in Zhanjiang, South China's Guangdong province. [Photo/]

The event "Embracing Zhanjiang: China Storyteller Partnerships Tour" took place from Sept 22 to 25, 2024.

The event warmly welcomed 10 foreign media correspondents and internet influencers from the United States, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Russia and Turkey. As members of the China Storyteller Partnership, these honored guests embarked on an immersive journey to explore the coastal beauty and cultural richness of Zhanjiang.

Serving as a platform to present Zhanjiang's unique charm to a global audience, the event allowed foreign media participants to capture the essence of the city through their lenses and words. By blending contemporary storytelling with a personal, international touch, the event aimed to highlight Zhanjiang's high-quality development and its role in China's broader modernization efforts.

Jointly hosted by China Daily website and the Information Office of Zhanjiang Municipal Government, the event unfolded in the picturesque city of Zhanjiang, known as the "City of Mangroves".

Located at the southernmost tip of the Chinese mainland, Zhanjiang is a strategic hub linking the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Hainan Free Trade Port and the Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.


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