Traditional craft creates new Internet sensations: A Zhejiang town's unique mooncakes go viral!

时间:2024-09-15 17:48:31  来源


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Traditional craft creates new Internet sensations: A Zhejiang town's unique mooncakes go viral!

Mooncakes are a staple delicacy on Chinese tables during the Mid-Autumn Festival. In recent years, the traditional mooncakes ...

Mooncakes are a staple delicacy on Chinese tables during the Mid-Autumn Festival. In recent years, the traditional mooncakes from Qiaodun Town in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, have gained widespread popularity for their unique craftsmanship and rich fillings.

These mooncakes are massive, about the size of a plate, and are packed with over ten different fillings, including peanuts, sesame, pork, winter melon candy, and other ingredients. Baked in traditional carbon stoves at high temperatures, they boast a crispy yet rich texture that is neither too oily nor greasy, symbolizing reunion and blessings.

For locals, sharing these large mooncakes with family has become the most treasured Mid-Autumn Festival tradition.

In recent years, improvements in production lines and the rise of e-commerce have helped Qiaodun mooncakes transcend regional borders. Today, annual production exceeds 3 million mooncakes, with a total output value of 300 million yuan. The town has also boosted its brand visibility by hosting mooncake cultural fairs, making Qiaodun mooncakes a national best-seller during the Mid-Autumn Festival.


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