Global services trade leaders push for openness, warn against decoupling

时间:2024-09-13 17:55:29  来源


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Global services trade leaders push for openness, warn against decoupling

BEIJING, Sept. 13 (China Economic Net) - "One of our significant challenges now is the negative impact of anti-globalization, which could pose a serious threat to social stability," said former Greek Foreign Minister George Katrougalos at the Global Entrepreneurs Summit on Trade in Services held on September 12. He emphasized that at this historic moment, the world is more interconnected than ever, with global cooperation needed in areas like climate change, nuclear disarmament, biodiversity protection, and pandemic control to safeguard a shared future.

The summit, held during the 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), focused on the theme “High-Level Openness Promotes Win-Win Cooperation” and emphasized the importance of open markets in fostering international collaboration and supporting global economic recovery.

Jiang Zengwei, Chairman of the Global Alliance for Trade in Services (GATIS), told the reporter that global services trade has been expanding at a remarkable rate, with a 9% growth in 2023, outpacing global GDP and goods trade. However, Jiang pointed out that growing geopolitical tensions and protectionist policies have significantly increased trade barriers, driving up costs and posing challenges to the global trade landscape. He called for fewer regulations, higher levels of openness, and a more favorable business environment to support international services trade.

In his keynote address, Zhu Guangyao, former Vice Minister of Finance, emphasized the vital role of services trade in driving global economic growth. Zhu highlighted a significant shift in global trade patterns: "Before 2008, for every 1% increase in global GDP, global goods trade grew by 2% or more. This was a result of the prosperity brought about by globalization. However, today, with every 1% growth in the global economy, goods trade only rises by 0.8% to 0.9%.”

He identified this as a major challenge for global trade and stressed the importance of expanding services trade, particularly in areas related to the digital economy. Zhu also warned of the dangers of "decoupling" and the creation of parallel global economic and supply chain systems, calling such moves "extremely dangerous."

The summit also marked the release of a report titled “Trend on Higher Level of Liberalization in the Global Trade in Services 2024," which provided an in-depth analysis of global trade openness. The report emphasized the need for multilateral cooperation to address protectionism and regulatory challenges, outlining nine key recommendations for reducing trade barriers and enhancing international collaboration.

Throughout the event, entrepreneurs and experts from various sectors reaffirmed their commitment to promoting high-level openness, recognizing it as essential for fostering sustainable growth and global cooperation.


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