非洲学者:经验及技术分享 中国在南南合作中发挥引领作用丨世界观

时间:2024-09-11 13:33:15  来源:中国新闻网


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非洲学者:经验及技术分享 中国在南南合作中发挥引领作用丨世界观

近日,埃塞俄比亚规划发展部前国务部长、北京大学南南合作与发展学院非洲学生代表西姆在接受中国新闻网采访时表示,当前非洲正面临发展挑战,中国提出的共建“一带一路”倡议为埃塞俄比亚的一些重点项目提供了灵活的融资渠道,并为当地企业工人带去切实可行的生产机制、技术和知识技能等。中国在快速发展、分享发展经验以及为全球南方国家项目提供资金等方面,都发挥着引领作用。(王高飞 陈彩霞)

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has offered flexible financing options for key projects in Ethiopia and has introduced practical mechanisms, technologies, knowledge and skills to local workers, noted Endalkachew Sime, former Ethiopian Minister of Planning and Development, PhD Candidate at the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development of Peking University, told China News Network. China plays a leading role in accelerating development, sharing valuable experience and providing financial resources for projects in Global South countries. (Wang Gaofei, Chen Caixia)


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