南非学者:“中国制造”满足了我们的需求 希望中国分享更多发展经验|世界观

时间:2024-09-10 10:35:34  来源:中国新闻网


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南非学者:“中国制造”满足了我们的需求 希望中国分享更多发展经验|世界观

2024年中非合作论坛峰会于9月4日至6日在北京举行。论坛期间,南非政府媒体资源管理、通信和信息系统主管赫洛费卡·威廉·巴洛伊(Hlopheka William Baloyi)在接受中新网采访时表示,南非和中国是互惠互利的兄弟,两国经贸联系紧密,双方在农业、制造业及采矿业等多领域展开合作。此外,很多“中国制造”也满足了南非人的需求,希望中国未来分享更多发展经验,帮助南非共同发展。(王高飞 陈彩霞 赵丽)

The 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit was held from Sept. 4 to 6, in Beijing. During the summit, Hlopheka William Baloyi, Head of Media Engagement, Government Communication and Information System of South Africa told China News Network that South Africa and China mutually beneficial brothers with strong economic and trade ties, and that the two countries have cooperated in various fields such as agriculture, manufacturing and mining. Baloyi also mentioned many products made in China cater to the needs of South Africans. He said he hopes China will share more experience in the future to help South Africa achieve common development.(Wang Gaofei, Chen Caixia, Zhao Li)


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