China-Africa ties hit new heights

时间:2024-09-07 15:58:27  来源:China Daily


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China-Africa ties hit new heights

Editor's note: President Xi Jinping held a series of bilateral meetings on Friday with foreign leaders who have attended the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing.

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Somalia relations enjoy long history

China and Somalia elevated their relations to a strategic partnership, vowing firm support for each other over issues concerning their core interests, as President Xi Jinping met with Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Friday in Beijing.

Xi said there is a long history of friendly exchanges between China and Somalia, the first country in East Africa to have established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, adding that China hopes to work with Somalia to have bilateral ties yield richer outcomes.

Both China and Somalia shoulder historic missions of fully achieving their own national reunification, Xi said.

China supports Somalia in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and supports the African country's peace and development process, he said, calling on the two countries to firmly support each other on issues related to their core interests and major concerns.

China will also continue to provide assistance to the international peacekeeping efforts in Somalia, he added.

Mohamud thanked China for assisting Somalia's efforts to maintain sovereignty and territorial integrity, and for supporting its economic development.

Somalia hopes to keep deepening friendly cooperation with China, he said, adding that his country firmly adheres to the one-China principle.

Cai Qi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, also met with Mohamud on Friday.

Evariste Ndayishimiye

Exchanges with Burundi bolstered

China is willing to strengthen exchanges of experience with Burundi in areas such as reform, rural vitalization and poverty alleviation, President Xi Jinping said on Friday when meeting in Beijing with Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye.

Xi also pledged to promote mutually beneficial cooperation in infrastructure, agriculture and trade, while deepening cultural exchanges to consolidate the foundation of their traditional friendship.

The two heads of state announced the elevation of bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

China supports Burundi in opposing foreign interference and pursuing an independent development path, Xi said, calling on the two sides to continue to firmly support each other on issues concerning their core interests and major concerns.

China congratulates the African nation on being elected as chair of the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly at its 79th session, he said, noting that strengthening international coordination with Burundi safeguards the common interests of developing countries.

Ndayishimiye highlighted China's support and cooperation in helping advance Burundi's industrialization and agricultural modernization so as to improve people's livelihoods.

Wang Huning, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, also met with Ndayishimiye on Friday.

Joseph Nyumah Boakai

Liberia embraces strategic partnership

China is willing to work with Liberia to implement the outcomes of the 2024 FOCAC Summit and bring the two countries' newly elevated strategic partnership to reach new heights, President Xi Jinping said on Friday when meeting with Liberian President Joseph Nyumah Boakai in Beijing.

Xi said China and Liberia have enjoyed a friendly relationship and in recent years, the Chinese and Liberian people have stood together in solidarity in jointly fighting Ebola and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Xi said China appreciates President Boakai's adherence to the one-China principle and is ready to offer joint support on issues related to core interests and major concerns so as to safeguard respective national sovereignty, security and development interests.

China is willing to provide support within its capacity for Liberia's infrastructure construction and step up bilateral cooperation in such areas as maritime shipping, agriculture and resource development, he said.

Boakai expressed thanks for China's longtime support for his country, saying that cooperation with China in many areas has helped improve the lives of Liberians.

He said Liberia is committed to developing its strategic partnership with China and hopes to take the implementation of the summit's outcomes as an opportunity to continuously deepen practical cooperation.

Li Xi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, also met with Boakai on Friday.

Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan

Sudan friendship bears fruitful results

President Xi Jinping called on Friday for China and Sudan to actively implement the outcomes of the 2024 FOCAC Summit to upgrade the quality and level of their bilateral cooperation.

Xi made the remarks during a meeting with Chairman of Sudan's Sovereignty Council Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan.

Xi emphasized the strong friendship and solidarity between the two countries, describing them as good friends who stand together through thick and thin.

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sudan. Xi said that China values the longstanding friendship with Sudan as well as their solid mutual trust, and Beijing is willing to advance bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields to promote the steady development of the strategic partnership between the two nations.

Noting that China follows the development of the situation in Sudan, Xi expressed the country's support for Sudan in safeguarding its national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity to ensure that Sudan holds its future in its own hands.

Al-Burhan praised China for its consistent support for Sudan in upholding its independence and sovereignty and opposing external interference.

China's extensive infrastructure projects in Sudan have significantly contributed to promoting the country's economic development and improving the livelihoods of the Sudanese people, he said.

Andry Nirina Rajoelina

Cooperation with Madagascar boosted

President Xi Jinping and President of Madagascar Andry Nirina Rajoelina announced the elevation of the countries' relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership on Friday to enhance bilateral ties.

The two leaders made the announcement during their meeting in Beijing.

Xi hailed the development of bilateral ties, saying that since they established diplomatic relations 52 years ago, both countries have upheld sincere friendship, equal treatment and mutual benefit.

China supports Madagascar in independently exploring a path toward modernization that suits its national conditions, he said, and it is willing to enhance exchanges and expand pragmatic cooperation with the African country, continue implementing the hybrid rice technology assistance project, and explore cooperation in mining, new energy, the blue economy as well as disaster prevention and mitigation.

Xi expressed the country's support for the development of the Confucius Institute and the Luban Workshop in Madagascar to help cultivate more professionals.

Rajoelina said that thanks to China's assistance, Madagascar has realized upgrading of its hybrid rice technology and ensured its food security. Madagascar is committed to becoming a cooperative partner of China, he added.

Adama Barrow

Gambian economic growth backed

President Xi Jinping called on Friday for China and Gambia to continue to firmly support each other on issues involving one another's core interests and major concerns, and consolidate friendship and mutual trust to promote the steady and sustained progress in bilateral ties.

Xi made the remarks when meeting with Gambian President Adama Barrow in Beijing. During the talks, the two leaders announced the elevation of their ties to a strategic partnership.

Xi said he was glad that the projects with Chinese assistance and cooperation have improved the lives of the Gambian people. He added that this year's FOCAC Summit has rolled out a series of new measures on cooperation.

China is willing to work together with Gambia to use the summit's outcomes as an opportunity to push for more achievements in bilateral cooperation, assist the African country's economic growth and improve people's well-being, Xi said.

Barrow said his country believes that China represents hope and future potential, and that only by deepening cooperation with China can Gambia achieve national development. He added that Gambia plans to deepen cooperation with China in areas including trade and the economy as well as people-to-people exchange.

Faustin-Archange Touadera

Central African Republic bond solid

President Xi Jinping called on Friday for deepening economic and trade cooperation between China and the Central African Republic to make their strategic partnership become a model for China-Africa relations as well as the relationship between China and other countries of the Global South.

Xi made the remarks during a meeting with President of the Central African Republic Faustin-Archange Touadera.

Xi commended the Central African Republic for its unwavering support for China's core interests, and pledged continued assistance in the African country's efforts to uphold national independence, security and stability.

Xi said that the Central African Republic is welcome to leverage the new initiatives he announced at the 2024 FOCAC Summit to advance infrastructure construction alongside industrial development.

Touadera lauded China's foreign policy for promoting global peace and development, and highly appreciated its leading role in international affairs.

The Central African Republic is ready to strengthen multilateral coordination with China, Touadera added.

During the summit, the two countries signed multiple cooperation documents, including one on Belt and Road cooperation.

Salva Kiir

South Sudan relationship elevated

President Xi Jinping and South Sudanese President Salva Kiir announced the elevation of bilateral ties to a strategic partnership during the two leaders' meeting in Beijing on Friday.

Xi said that China, which established diplomatic relations with South Sudan in 2011, was among the first countries to have done so.

Over the past 13 years, China and South Sudan have developed strong political mutual trust and conducted fruitful cooperation, Xi said, and called for developing dynamic bilateral ties with rich content.

He said China hopes to share its development experience and opportunities with South Sudan, strengthen cooperation in petroleum, mining and agriculture, and help South Sudan diversify its economy.

China supports South Sudan in promoting political transition in a steady manner, and opposes interference in South Sudan's internal affairs by external forces, he added.

Kiir said South Sudan and China respect, understand and support each other. The African country has recovered its economy and improved its people's lives thanks to China's assistance, he said.

Kiir also said his country will work to create a safe environment for Chinese companies doing business there.


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