Speaker of Malawi National Assembly advocates for stronger China-Africa partnership focused on mutual benefit

时间:2024-09-04 20:42:50  来源:GMW.cn


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Speaker of Malawi National Assembly advocates for stronger China-Africa partnership focused on mutual benefit

In a recent interview, Catherine Gomezgani Hara, Speaker of the National Assembly in Malawi, expressed her support for China'...

In a recent interview, Catherine Gomezgani Hara, Speaker of the National Assembly in Malawi, expressed her support for China's efforts to strengthen its friendship with developing countries, particularly in Africa.

Hara underscored the need for discussions on how both sides can benefit economically from their partnership. "China is a very big market, and if we can penetrate this market, our people will benefit economically," she stated. She advocated for a shift from aid to trade, suggesting that increasing trade could help reduce poverty levels in African countries. She pointed out that recent policy changes, such as China's removal of taxes on agricultural products exported from Malawi, demonstrate the positive impact of this evolving relationship by providing better market access for Malawi's goods.

The Speaker also highlighted the importance of exchange visits, trade policies, infrastructure development, and overall diplomatic friendship between countries. She gave examples of areas where China could assist, such as providing expertise and capacity-building in the mining sector, which is currently hindered by a lack of equipment and training in Malawi.

Hara further addressed the agricultural sector, emphasizing the need for Chinese support in providing equipment to improve productivity. She painted a vivid picture of the challenges faced by rural farmers in Malawi, particularly women who still work in their fields using basic tools like hoes while carrying their babies on their backs. "The Chinese government can help us increase productivity, which is something we are currently lacking," she remarked.

Looking ahead, Hara expressed optimism about the upcoming 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in September, where heads of state from African nations and officials from the Chinese government will gather. She described the event as a critical platform for dialogue, enabling both sides to share their challenges and explore potential areas for cooperation. "In the end, our people—both in China and Africa—will be the beneficiaries," she concluded.


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