Speaker of Sierra Leone’s Parliament lauding China's partnership with Africa based on mutual respect, shared experiences

时间:2024-09-04 20:38:31  来源:GMW.cn


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Speaker of Sierra Leone’s Parliament lauding China's partnership with Africa based on mutual respect, shared experiences

Segepoh Solomon Thomas, speaker of the Parliament of Sierra Leone, highlighted China as a shining example of a nation that ha...

Segepoh Solomon Thomas, speaker of the Parliament of Sierra Leone, highlighted China as a shining example of a nation that has rapidly transformed from a low-income country to a global economic power. He praised China for developing according to its own model, rather than following Western norms, and emphasized that every nation should be allowed to develop at its own pace and through its own methods.

Thomas commended China for its understanding and supportive approach towards Africa, noting that China's history of overcoming poverty and struggle resonates deeply with the current challenges faced by African nations. He lauded China's respectful partnership with Africa, where there is no imposition on governance or development standards, contrasting it with other regions that often dictate terms.

He also dismissed concerns about China's intentions in Africa, refuting claims of a “new form of colonization” as untrue. Instead, he highlighted the positive impact of China's cooperation across the continent, stressing that China's involvement has been overwhelmingly beneficial for African development.

Thomas’s remarks underscore the growing recognition of China's role as a crucial partner in Africa’s development journey, fostering a relationship based on mutual respect and shared experiences.


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