IPU President Tulia Ackson on 40 years of NPC's global impact

时间:2024-08-27 16:59:31  来源:GMW.cn


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IPU President Tulia Ackson on 40 years of NPC's global impact

During a recent interview, Tulia Ackson, president of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), highlighted the significant contri...

During a recent interview, Tulia Ackson, president of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), highlighted the significant contributions of the National People's Congress (NPC) of China as it celebrates the 40th anniversary of its affiliation to the IPU. Ackson lauded the NPC for its pivotal role in global parliamentary cooperation.

Ackson noted that China's involvement in the IPU has been instrumental in advancing key global initiatives, including the establishment of a high-level advisory committee focused on countering terrorism. She also praised China's progress in implementing sustainable development goals (SDGs), which has provided valuable lessons for both developing and developed nations alike.

Reflecting on the 40-year relationship between the IPU and the NPC, Ackson expressed optimism about the future, emphasizing the potential for enhanced cooperation and mutual learning among countries. She remarked that China's approach, which balances respect for global order with unique and diverse policies, offers a model that other nations could adapt to achieve similar successes.


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