Tibetan folk dance unites youth with charm

时间:2024-05-03 17:39:10  来源:chinadaily.com.cn


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Tibetan folk dance unites youth with charm

While square dancing is a popular pastime for seniors across much of China, in the southwestern Xizang autonomous region, young people are fervently embracing their heritage, amidst the stunning backdrop of traditional Tibetan folk dance, Guozhuang.

For 18-year-old Kunzang Wangdu, sharing his passion for Guozhuang dance is as simple as posting dance videos on social media. "I really enjoy watching dance videos. I have posted my own dance videos on my personal social media account, hoping more and more people can get to know and appreciate our ethnic culture," he shares.

This dance form has also become a unifying force, bringing together youth from diverse ethnic backgrounds. Inspired by the enchanting allure of Tibetan culture, 23-year-old college student Han Huayu, originally from Shandong Province, volunteered to teach in Lhasa for a year.

As Youth Day approaches, China Daily's 'Life is' column will shine a spotlight on young individuals like Kunzang and Han, who are passionately pursuing their dreams and preserving their heritage in their twenties. Click on the video to immerse yourself in the captivating world of traditional Tibetan culture that unites the youth.


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