Insights | Chinese modernization a good example for developing countries: Lebanese scholar

时间:2024-03-27 16:35:43  来源:ECNS


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Insights | Chinese modernization a good example for developing countries: Lebanese scholar

(ECNS) -- Lebanese scholar Adham Sayed said in an interview with China New Network that it is necessary to let more people in the world see the real China, a good example of a nation working to make a better future.

Sayed, who is also a research fellow at the Institute of East Asian Studies of Zhejiang Gongshang University, made the remarks in Wuyishan, Fujian Province while attending the First Wuyi Forum, hosted by Renmin University of China.

Lebanese scholar Adham Sayed. (Photo: China News Network/Zhao Li)

Sayed is engaged in research on the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese history and economy. He created the "China Window" program to tell Chinese stories, and the videos he produced have attracted a lot of followers both at home and abroad.

Speaking about the original intention behind creating this program, Sayed said, “I'm living in China, but many people in the Middle East know very little about China. All that they knew about it didn't come directly from here. It came from the West. So my plan was to tell the truth about China directly from someone who lives in China.”

The scholar has visited Southwest China's Xizang, Northwest China's Xinjiang, and many other regions in China. He said Western media have fabricated lots of fake news about these regions.

“The real China is a good example for us in Arab countries. It is a good example of a nation that works to make a good future. Some Western media don't want us to see the real China and this good example, but I have the duty to tell people about China,” he said.

He further pointed out that as the world's largest developing country, China not only seeks its own development but also shares development experiences with other countries through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative. “China gives hope for all the world, especially developing countries,” he said.

Sayed also noted China is promoting new quality productive forces and he mentioned China's assistance to Arab countries in building advanced infrastructure.

He believes that the new quality productive forces offer hope to other developing countries because China's experience of modernization is a good example for other developing countries.


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