Fiji-China ties to strengthen, deepen in years ahead, says Fijian PM

时间:2024-02-16 17:40:58  来源:Xinhua


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Fiji-China ties to strengthen, deepen in years ahead, says Fijian PM


SUVA, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- Fiji enjoys an enduring friendship with China and Fiji-China relationship will be strengthened in the years ahead, Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has said.

Fiji firmly adheres to the one-China principle, which has served as the cornerstone since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Rabuka said in his Chinese New Year's message published in the Fiji Times recently.

"I am confident that our partnership will only strengthen and deepen in the years ahead," he said.

Rabuka stressed that China has been a steadfast partner of Fiji. The bilateral relations are guided by shared aspirations and mutual interests, laying the foundation for a comprehensive strategic partnership built on trust and respect.

He noted that over the years, the friendship between Fiji and China has flourished, enriched by people-to-people exchanges, capacity-building initiatives, and cooperation across various sectors including agriculture, education and climate change.

"I extend my deepest gratitude to the Chinese government for the invaluable assistance rendered to these crucial sectors of our economy," Rabuka said, adding that he "eagerly" anticipates the further enhancement of Fiji-China relations for the mutual benefit of the two peoples.

With Chinese people joyfully celebrating the Year of the Dragon that kicked off on Feb. 10, the prime minister said the dragon symbolizes good fortune, heralding a year of great promise.

"May this year bring bountiful blessings and opportunities to each and every one of you," he said.


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