Loong products made in Yiwu gain global popularity

时间:2024-01-05 18:08:21  来源:Ecns.cn


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Loong products made in Yiwu gain global popularity

As the Chinese Year of the Dragon approaches, Yiwu International Trade Market, home to over 2.1 million types of goods, has u...

As the Chinese Year of the Dragon approaches, Yiwu International Trade Market, home to over 2.1 million types of goods, has unveiled a diverse range of Loong-themed products.

These items are not only supplied to the Chinese market but also enjoy robust sales in Southeast Asia, Europe, and other regions.

Decorating houses with Chinese zodiac ornaments is custom to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

"We have more than 1,000 Loong-themed paintings and ornaments this year. In the past, orders were primarily from Southeast Asia, but this year we have received a notably large number of orders from the United States," said Lou Baojuan, a member of the Yiwu Chamber of Commerce.

"Currently, our order volume is already at capacity, and our aim this month is to ensure the delivery of existing orders," Lou added.

In August 2023, Lou delivered the first order for Spring Festival products to her customers. To date, the growth momentum remains strong. Plush toys featuring the image of the "Chinese Loong" are hot sellers.

"I am a long-time customer of her shop. I bought more than 30 Spring Festival decorations today. My son is going to hold a marriage ceremony in a few days. I want to decorate the wedding room to make it look festive," said Wang Qiang, a resident of Yiwu City.

"I felt most satisfied with the Loong decorations. They look golden and auspicious. I want to hang them on the door to bring good luck," Wang added.

Wang Qiang shows Loong decorations he bought from a shop at Yiwu International Trade Market, in Zhejiang Province, Jan. 3, 2024. (Photo/China News Service)

"In September 2023, customers from Malaysia, Singapore, and the U.S. ordered over 30,000 'Chinese Loong' plush toys in our store, all in traditional styles," said Lou Zhenxian, a merchant at Yiwu International Trade Market.

She is currently handling delivery for buyers in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Gansu Province, and other regions, with each order featuring five different styles of Loong plush toys, most of which are newly designed.

"In October 2023, we launched new three-dimensional Spring Festival paintings and applied for a patent. Compared to traditional paintings, the new craftsmanship is more complex," said Wang Caiyi, another merchant at Yiwu International Trade Market.

A customer from Vietnam has contacted her to buy five more boxes of Lunar New Year ornaments, all of which have been delivered, she added.


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